ODP Goals
The Indiana Olympic Development Program serves to provide the players confidence and ideas to solve problems the game presents them, and to provide opportunities for the gradual growth and advancement through challenging, creative, and positive training and playing environments.
How To Participate.
You must be identified and invited to join the Indiana Olympic Development Program. Players must be formally invited to participate in State Pool Training through the tryout process. Indiana ODP tryouts are open to any soccer player
Evaluation Criterion
Each player is fairly evaluated in the four components of the game (technical, tactical, psychological, and physical), their creativity and problem solving ability, their ability to contribute to the team, an individual’s versatility as a player, and the ability to be competitive within the current State Pool.

How ODP Tryouts Work
ODP tryouts are open and anyone can attend. For the 2024-2025 season, players born from 2008-2014 are eligible to try out for the ODP State Training Pool. Please note that high school players 9th grade and up regardless of making the high school team are not allowed to tryout until the October 27 & November 3, 2024, dates. These will be the ONLY dates this season for the 2008, 2009, and HS 2010 birth years to try out. Players born in 2010 NON-HS-2014 will have 4 tryout date options this season on September 15, 29, October 13 & November 3. Please see the Number System document before you register to make sure you know what position your child plays.
ALL players should attend both tryout sessions on the date they register for if their schedule allows. You should ONLY register for one tryout date until you receive feedback/email from Georgi Emenhiser.
NEW players who are trying out will either get an offer to join the State Pool, asked to attend another tryout date session or asked to come back next year and tryout again while working on some feedback provided by the ODP coaching staff. There will be NO supplemental tryout dates for any birth years this season.
ODP Tryout Information & Registration Links
ODP Tryouts for the 2024-2025 season are completed.
Please check back next August for tryout information and dates.
Please ONLY sign up for one tryout date and plan to attend both sessions on that date. The cost for the initial tryout is $49. If ODP Staff asks you to come back this season to try out again, we will email you the information, registration link for another tryout evaluation, and you will be given a discount code to use when registering. All tryouts are held at Grand Park in Westfield, Indiana. Registration links will become inactive at 10:00am on the Friday of the training date weekend.
NOTE: If you have received an email from Georgi Emenhiser inviting you into the State Pool, you do not need to tryout. Please go to the State Pool & Registration Information page to register to attend State Pool training.
Tryouts: 2010 NON HS-2014 Boys & Girls
Sunday, Sept 15 CLOSED
Sunday, Sept 29 CLOSED
Tryouts: 2010 NON HS-2014 Boys & Girls
Sunday, Oct 13 CLOSED
Tryouts: ONLY 2008-2010 Boys & Girls
Sunday, Oct 27 CLOSED
Tryouts: OUTSIDE TURF Fields
2008-2014 Boys & Girls – FINAL TRYOUT for the season
Sunday, Nov 3, 2024 CLOSED
Recommendations from ODP State, Regional & National Coaches
Indiana ODP solicits recommendations from coaches around the state, region and nation who have seen players in their normal playing environments. If a player is recommended directly to the Indiana Olympic Development Program the player will either be invited directly into the State Pool or will be asked to attend an Evaluation session (tryout) for further evaluation.
If you have any questions, please contact Georgi Emenhiser at georgi.emenhiser@soccerindiana.org or visit the FAQ Page.